Recipe Name
Recipe and How to Cook / Make Spicy and Stingrays Culinary Stew
Cooking Time
Preparation: 35 minutes
Cooking: 40 minutes
Total: 75 minutes
Number of Servings
6 Servings
Materials and Spices
- 1 Kg of fresh stingray
- 2 bay leaves
- 3 orange leaves
- 1 stalk of lemon grass, crushed
- Thick coconut milk sufficiently
- salt to taste
- Pepper powder to taste
- enough water
- right amount of oil
Subtle Seasoning Materials
- 10 pieces of cayenne pepper
- 1 medium red tomato
- 1 cm of turmeric
- 1 cm ginger
- 4 pieces of red onion
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 4 grains of pecan, roasted
How to Make Spicy and Stingrays Stingrays Curry
How to cook
- The first is washing the stingray to clean, then cut according to taste.
- After that heated cooking oil and then stingray stingrays, lift and drain.
- After that heat the oil, then saute the ingredients of fine spices, then add the bay leaves, then the leaves of citrus and lemongrass, cook until fragrant
- After that just input the stingray, stirring until evenly, then give enough water, stirring.
- After the water shrinks, then add the thick coconut milk, then give salt and pepper powder to taste, cook until cooked, stirring so that the coconut milk is not easily broken.
- Lift and ready to serve.
Such is the Recipes and How to Cook / Make Gravy and Stingrays Stingrays that you can try at home. Materials that are easy to find such as in traditional markets or in the supermarket of course make you will be excited to make this stingrays stingrays at home. This very delicious stingrays are eaten along with warm white rice plus crackers or chips to make your meal even more special and special. After knowing the recipe and how to cook this stingrays curry will certainly add to the collection in your daily meal menu. good luck
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