Recipe Sambal Bajak and How to Make it( Recipe Indonesia Food )
Cooking tutorial is definitely needed for everyone who wants to learn to make cooking.Therefore here the original indonesian cook recipe will provide information to help you all to make cuisine that berfariasi, delicious, add taste and of course creativity so that it can produce delicious and delicious cuisine ready to eat together and can try to make it at home alone.
Materials / spices:
- 7 large red peppers
- 7 pieces of curly red chilli
- 12 red chili peppers
- 1 1/2 teaspoons of shrimp paste, fried
- 2 bay leaves
- 6 onion grains
- 2 cm galangal, dimemarkan
- 1 stalk of lemongrass, whitewashed, crushed
- 5 tablespoons oil for sauteing
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon brown sugar
- 2 tablespoons acid water (from 1 teaspoon of Javanese acid dissolved in 1 tablespoon water)
How to make:
Blend large red peppers, curly red peppers, red pepper, red onion, and shrimp paste. Sauté spices are mashed, bay leaves, galangal, and lemon grass. Stir until fragrant. Enter salt and brown sugar. Stir well.
Add acid water. Cook over a low heat until it seeps and leaves the oil.
For 4 servings
Provide all the tools, ingredients and ingredients needed to make Recipe Sambal Plow, because if there are less ingredients or bumbun can cause a sense that is less dilidah.
good luck
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