
Tuesday, January 18, 2022







·         250 grams of white rice

·         50 grams of onions, coarsely chopped

·         150 grams of medium size prawns, peeled

·         100 grams of chicken fillet, diced

·         2 chicken eggs, beaten

·         50 grams of carrots, cut into small dice

·         1 tbsp soy sauce

·         1 tbsp tomato sauce

·         3 tbsp cooking oil, for frying

·         1 tbsp margarine, for frying

Ground spices:

·         3 cloves of garlic

·         2 red chilies, remove the seeds, boil for a while

·         1/4 tsp pepper

Salt to taste



2 spring onions, sliced ​​cm, for sprinkling

Cucumber to taste

How to make:


Heat oil and margarine, saute ground spices and onions until fragrant. Add shrimp, chicken and carrots, mix well. Take a moment.

Add eggs and mix well. Add rice, tomato sauce and soy sauce. Stir again until well blended and remove. Serve with accompaniments


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  42. Delicious garlic sauce
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  44. fried rice nasi goreng
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